Please practice adding an image and a link to your post.
Find an image online that you think it interesting. Then search for a website that talks about the content of the image (e.g., if you find an image of a cat that you really like, then search for cats online, perhaps in Wikipedia).
Create a "new post" on your blog and insert the image and the link to the website you found that talks about the content. In your post, tell us why you chose the image. Please title this post "Practice - Images and Links".
(I have searched for an image and found a picture of a cat that I like, so I inserted it here)
Why Do Cats Have Green Eyes?:
(I also searched on the Internet for "cats green eyes" and found the website above that talks about that topic, so I inserted the link. I also put the title/subject of the link above the link so that people know what the link is for)
I chose that picture because I really like cats and this is so cute.
Sunflowers - Wikipedia
I really like sunflowers, so I chose to search for a picture and information about sunflowers.
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